I have people ask me questions all the time and I also have asked other printers and artists questions over the years, the joy of an insta DM and feeling like you have a friendly bunch of creative colleagues at your fingertips.
I thought it might be kinda useful to include a list of all my FAVOURITE places to buy materials for screen printing, some insider info I have collected over the years.
First up has to be the friendliest group that helped me loads in the beginning, not only do they have a lovely selection of all things "Printing" not just screen printing, Lino, Batik, Intaglio and Fabric - They are called HANDPRINTED https://handprinted.co.uk/ they have a fabulous selection of Screen Printing supplies, the postage is reasonable and quick (they include a pack of love heart sweets with every order) I always picked up the phone and had a chat with them at the start of my screen printing journey to trouble shoot why something had not worked (normally developing my screens under UV light), and they will always offer advice and help. If you are based in Bognor Regis they run various printing workshops.
I attended (and LOVED) a good screen printing workshop in the early days before I set up my own studio:
PRINT CLUB LONDON in Hackney https://printclublondon.com/workshops/ have a fantastic beginners or deluxe course if you want something more comprehensive. I went ( a few times) with one of my old art college friends when I started out and we had a brilliant day catching up and doing something we both loved, its relaxed and fun and you come away with your print at the end. The Prefect Day out or Gift!
SONSOLES PRINT STUDIO in Peckham http://sonsolesprintstudio.co.uk/courses/ Another open access print studio that also run workshops, I did a Mono Printing day here for fun with my friend again, you meet like minded people, its very friendly and you get to experiment with colours and shapes, all materials are supplied.
SPIKE PRINT STUDIO in Bristol https://spikeprintstudio.org/
I think Screen Tech Print Essentials could be my faves https://www.screentecprint.co.uk/ they also supply Print Club with Screen Printing Inks, the website is a bit off putting (sorry guys) I think its aimed more at a commercial market but they are really helpful if you pick up the phone or email and I would say there inks are premium, glossy, thick and the BEST NEON PINK hands down (and I have bought a lot of neon pink ink over the years). They sell everything from Inks, Screens to Large screen printing equipment. Its not cheap and you are buying large tubs so perhaps not so much a beginners choice, but if you want a very glossy professional finish these are your guys.
Hunt The Moon are excellent for setting up a home studio, https://huntthemoon.co.uk/ they sell "Beginners Screen Printing Kits" as well as a huge selection of yummy ink colours, Screens and everything else. Another friendly bunch and a company I will always buy from.
Screen Stretch for Screens and equipment and getting broken ones re-meshed https://screenstretch.co.uk/
Art 2 Silkscreen is a bit cheaper (never a bad thing) I have bought ink, screens and my Large Scale UV unit from them. https://www.art2silkscreen.co.uk/
Daler & Rowney although not a small business like the others, I do buy and use their products daily, the System 3 Acrylic is great, and I use there Screen Printing Medium to dilute and mix my Inks. You can buy them loads of places I normally google to find who has the best deals on. https://www.daler-rowney.com/system3-screen-printing-ink/
I buy all my Paper from G.F Smith - its not cheap but its beautiful quality, always delivered fast and they will cut it down to the exact sizes I need. A lesson I learned early days, cutting your own paper to exact sizes is NOT easy and if you are doing a limited edition print run you need it to be exact otherwise prints do not line up correctly. https://www.gfsmith.com/our-papers
For Card Stock recently I have used Eco-Craft, small friendly team, helpful when I needed something that wasn't listed on the website they made me a custom order, not expensive, great quality and RECYCLED, all the wins https://www.eco-craft.co.uk/
Easy Frame is a great mail order option if you are happy to frame your own art https://www.easyframe.co.uk/picture-frames another family run company that will always help if you get stuck, their website is brilliant, you can add your art work size at the start and customise everything as you go from mount colour, size, hundreds of frame options, type of glass and fixings.
I do not sent as many of these as I should (apparently) as a small business, but when I do it is made so much easier with this company, I remember being really put off by other providers but when a friend introduced me to Flodesk it was a game changer, really fresh "pretty" layouts, EASY to customise which is ultimately what I need, and all the analytics and database at your fingertips. I pay a monthly charge for them but it is worth it and does always get results when I send one out.
I can share an affiliate code that will get you 50% off your first year https://flodesk.com/c/CQ76EL
Possibly a bit more boring I grant you, but an essential to running a product business. I think I get asked the most about the Triangle Tubes and Pink Bubble Wrap, which I buy from Kite Packaging, I also buy all my Tape from them (another screen printing essential item) Both Brown Packing Tape and I have tried to switch to be more environmentally Friendly to Brown Paper Tape, you can buy it in bulk (minimum 6 rolls I think) https://www.kitepackaging.co.uk/
Grey Board for the back of Prints you sell or send flat, I use Funky Pen - again they are a smaller company, they will always help on best price, offers and they will cut custom sizes for me. https://www.funkypen.co.uk/
THE PINK (masking) TAPE that doesn't rip your paper, people always ask me what this magic tape is. Its called "Tesa Pink Masking Tape" its not cheap, google where has the best deal, normally from a DIY type shop. https://www.tesa.com/en-gb/craftsmen/tesa-professional-4333-pv1-precision-mask-sensitive.html
I am sure I have forgotten lots, so I will make sure I come back on and add in any other superstar printing suppliers as I go, hopefully this is a helpful little directory of some of my faves, all companies I personally use and would recommend.
Happy Printing,
Hannah x