Screen Printing for Beginners

Dahlias Flowers on the Aga with Cucumbers

5 BEST things about Living in Somerset!

As anyone who has followed my journey over on Instagram the past few years, I can be prone to over share at times and lately just disappear on socials while...

5 BEST things about Living in Somerset!

As anyone who has followed my journey over on Instagram the past few years, I can be prone to over share at times and lately just disappear on socials while...



Frames! Oh My, they really are a crucial part of hanging art in your home and when I finally took the plunge and offered them on my website it really did...


Frames! Oh My, they really are a crucial part of hanging art in your home and when I finally took the plunge and offered them on my website it really did...

My FAVOURITE Screen Printing Brands!

My FAVOURITE Screen Printing Brands!

A mini directory of all the brands and small business I love to buy my screen printing equipment and supplies from.

My FAVOURITE Screen Printing Brands!

A mini directory of all the brands and small business I love to buy my screen printing equipment and supplies from.

The Start! Setting up my Screen Printing Studio at Home.

The Start! Setting up my Screen Printing Studio...

Setting up my Screen Printing Studio at home & where to hunt for 2nd hand printing equipment.

The Start! Setting up my Screen Printing Studio...

Setting up my Screen Printing Studio at home & where to hunt for 2nd hand printing equipment.