About Us

Hi My name is Hannah Carvell, I have my own screen printing studio in sunny Somerset. I am happiest screen printing and experimenting with all the colour combos. Playing with different shades and colours of ink is pure joy, I constantly have inky hands and pain smeared jeans (i'm a messy worker) and my team, an ever growing band of pets that visit me throughout the day, so far three small dogs, one weird cat, two ducklings and two chicks.

I love screen printing, having done a Fine Art Painting Degree a (few, ahem) years back, I touched on screen printing but mainly painted large portraits in oils, always a focus on bold colours, clashing tones and I used pattern and texture and abstract touches within these.

After a few different jobs while living in London and having my two children I knew I wanted to get back to a creative career and working for myself gives me the flexibility I want while my family is young. Screen Prints called me, it was the Art I liked to buy and hang on my own walls, we lived on Columbia Road in our 20s so were lucky enough to have the likes of Nelly Duff Gallery on our doorstep, I'll always treasure the pieces we bought from them over the years. I am always drawn to colour and the vibrancy screen printing gives layering up the colours, I was hooked and knew it was the Art I wanted to make.

Living in Bedford at the time, and tied to school and nursery pick ups, I wasn't able to join an open studio like Print Club so the solution was to hunt for 2nd hand equipment and set up on my own and I managed it. We now are lucky enough to live in beautiful Somerset, and I have an "outbuilding" which is my Printing Studio and I am doing the job I love, getting inky and creating and printing and being my own boss. Working for yourself for sure has its ups and downs, I would much rather just be doing the creative stuff, designing and printing and not all the other parts that come with selling online like tax returns and website admin but I muddle through and the support of you guys who buy my prints and send me lovely messages on instagram makes this a reality. So thank you so being part of the journey with me.

Hannah x